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01-21-10 Trails Committee
Meeting Minutes - Newtown Trails Committee


7:05 call to order

In attendance:

Paula Burton - Newtown
Tom Long - Newtown
Cindy Miller - Newtown
Gail Bunovsky - Monroe
Any Mangold - representing Newtown Parks and Recreation
Karl Phillippi - Newtown
Robert Macey - Newtown
Steve Rosentel - Newtown
Mark Lurie - Newtown
Mary Kaley - Newtown
Scott Coleman - Newtown

Minutes from previous meeting accepted

Public Participation – Mary Kaley to act as liason from conservation commission and will be attending when possible

Correspondence – none

Chairman report – review of Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission to create and adopt at their last meeting new Operational Guidelines for the Trails Committee.  
Voting members of the Committee were also adopted by the Commission.
Members consist of:
Scott Coleman - Chairperson
Ron Poidomani - Secretary
Paula Burton
Tom Long
Cindy Miller
Karl Philippi
Steve Rosentel
Mark Lurie

- Review of types of trails being considered

- Review of Matt Bodwells progress with his Eagle Scout trail project

Director report – Working with Rob at Land Use to get an updated map

Old Business

Discussion of Newtown Rail Trail Project -

        Action Items:
        End of project needs to be determined.  Field measurements to be taken 9am      on Sat Jan 23rd.  
        Trail Committee to vote on exact end of trail based on field measurements at    next meeting Feb 17, 2010

        Steve Rosentel proposed a motion to vote on moving forward with the project     and presenting it to the Parks and Rec Commission.
        Paula Burton seconded the motion
        Voted and passed

        Tom Long to present project to Parks & Rec Commission Feb 9 2010

New Business –

  • Pole bridge Preserve Project
  • Proposal made by Paula Burton
  • Feb 13th 9am walk through, meet on Pole Bridge Road
  • Paula Burton to update proposal template
  • Steve Rosentel to draft a flow-chart of proposal process

Meeting adjourned at 9pm